Friday, June 03, 2005

Virtually, a forest of links

Tonight, I am using firefox instead of explorer (yes, that was last night, I am much more sophistocated tonight) because of its slightly more sophistocated interface - it has more built-in blog options (like linking, wow!), but also - and more of the essence - tonight Renee left for Venice. Emails are coming in with lightning speed from across the world. Libia and Olafur just sent everything via web from the aftermath of the Reykjavik art festival. Jason Middlebrook, who is over in CA, has his gallery bombarding my voicemail to pick up a drawing (no, it's really sweet) but he will also send his project via the web, to be materialized in Venice. Suzanne Kreiman's work from Holland just arrived - in NY. Unfortunately, we had not heard any postive feedback on the Venice Postal System (VPS? G77?), and Robert Mann Gallery is being more than wonderful about the packages that are coming in (my doorman quit at least fifty years ago.) Douglas Kelly went to court this morning because of landlord problems, but prior to that he still managed to post all of the Waterways developments. Like everyone here, we are very fond of him because we have so many similar motivations, and he does an amazing job at everything he does.
I have just returned from Miranda Lloyd's studio.


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